Ban an IP for several rules

I can’t ban an IP for MAIL and DB - it bans only for one rule.
Also how can I distinguish RECIDIVE banned IP rule?

You could try using fail2ban-client command line?

 $: fail2ban-client status
|- Number of jail:	5
- Jail list:	dovecot-iptables, exim-iptables, hestia-iptables, recidive, ssh-iptables

$: fail2ban-client status recidive
Status for the jail: recidive
|- Filter
|  |- Currently failed:	94
|  |- Total failed:	190
|  - File list:	/var/log/fail2ban.log
- Actions
   |- Currently banned:	51
   |- Total banned:	53
   - Banned IP list: 

$: fail2ban-client set hestia-iptables banip

$: fail2ban-client status hestia-iptables
Status for the jail: hestia-iptables
|- Filter
|  |- Currently failed:	0
|  |- Total failed:	0
|  - File list:	/var/log/hestia/auth.log
- Actions
   |- Currently banned:	1
   |- Total banned:	1
   - Banned IP list:

There are other ways to ban IPs permanently, with fail2ban, and also with the firewall and ipset, but you’ll have to do your own research on those.

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