Edit Web Domain to add ssl


When I click to edit a web domain (pointing on the serveur for several month) and try to add a Lets Encrypt SSL certificate, I have this message : “Error: DNS record for www.yoursite.com doesn’t exist”. Sure, for this domain, I have let the registar use his own DNS and not Hestia.

To try solving this bug, I have delete the domain and recreate it and I have rebuild all site/dns/mail.

What can I do now? Thanks

Easiest thing would be to use the search function from our forum, you would find a lot of entries about it already: Search results for 'Error: DNS record' - Hestia Control Panel - Discourse

Oh sorry, uselly I do it always!

Thanks and have a nice day.

Use https://dnschecker.org to see if the domain works fine

Solved. You give me the idea to check again the DNS to my registar. I had forget to put the www entry again after a reset I had done on the domain name.


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