HestiaCP 1.1.0 MySQLi not avalible for php not 7.3

I have already installed 1.1.0 with debs it works well except on php 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.4 MySQLi and PDO_MySQL not available.
How can I fix this problem?
(on 1.0.6 dont have this problem)

Are you sure it isnt installed? Modular php ships phpx.x-mysql with every version: https://github.com/hestiacp/hestiacp/blob/b816e9af5365053850ad4dd25c2dc09b61520b23/bin/v-add-web-php#L56

You can check it:
http://sel1.p-a.ru/i.php - php 7.3 mysqli is available
http://selectel.p-a.ru/i.php php 5.6 mysqli is not available

/etc/php/7.3/mods-available/ have file mysqli.ini and pdo_mysql.ini
/etc/php/5.6/mods-available/ dont have these files

is the package installed?

No, i install only this.
I need install package after this setup??
This package?

wget https://apt.hestiacp.com/beta/hestia_1.1.0_amd64.deb
dpkg -i hestia_1.1.0_amd64.deb
apt install -f

Usualy no, you dont need to install anything else. But infact if it is missing, you can install the php imap package, depending on your version: apt install phpx.x-imap

Just for the notes: I’m not able to reproduce this issue on a freshly installed deb10 or ubuntu 18.04 with hestia 1.1.0.

Hello @leserg looks like a interesting problem, can you please post the steps taken from a clean Ubuntu 18.04 so we can reproduce this issue on our side too.

On Debian 10 under root

mkdir /home/debian
git clone https://github.com/hestiacp/hestiacp.git
cd hestiacp
$SRCDIR/hestiacp/src/hst_autocompile.sh --hestia “~localsrc” no
/home/debian/hestiacp/install/hst-install-debian.sh --with-debs /tmp/hestiacp-src/debs/ --force --multiphp yes --named no --dovecot no --clamav no --spamassassin no --port 1901 -s MY_HOST -e MY_EMAIL -p MY_PASSWORD

On Ubuntu 18.04 under root

mkdir /home/ubuntu
git clone https://github.com/hestiacp/hestiacp.git
cd hestiacp

$SRCDIR/hestiacp/src/hst_autocompile.sh --hestia “~localsrc” no

/home/ubuntu/hestiacp/install/hst-install-ubuntu.sh --with-debs /tmp/hestiacp-src/debs/ --force --multiphp yes --named no --dovecot no --clamav no --spamassassin no --port 1901 -s MY_HOST -e MY_EMAIL -p MY_PASSWORD

Because i install under root i don’t run coomand sudo and sudo su -

just to ask again, is php7.3-imap installed?

probably …
apt list | grep php7.3-imap

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

php7.3-imap-dbgsym/unknown 7.3.14-5+0~20200202.52+debian10~1.gbpa71879 amd64
php7.3-imap/unknown,now 7.3.14-5+0~20200202.52+debian10~1.gbpa71879 amd64 [installed]

Why i need imap module, when i need mysqli???
Maybe i need apt install php5.6-mysqli?

sorry, i meant phpx.x-mysql, a phpx.x-mysqli usualy doesnt exist.


The PDO and MySQLi Drivers are inside these packages for respective PHP versions. Please install them and you should be good

For PHP 5
apt install php5-mysqlnd
| or |
apt install php5.6-mysqlnd

For PHP 7.x
apt-get install -y php7.x-mysql

php7.3-mysql - installed
php5.6(7.0/7.1/7.2/7.4)-mysql - not installed

Problem fixed by
apt install php5.6-mysql

Confirmed this bug in the latest version

Fixed in: https://github.com/hestiacp/hestiacp/commit/7faf9efdc002b4b96793ed225156ca91caa2e3e2