HestiaCP 1.1.0 MySQLi not avalible for php not 7.3

sorry, i meant phpx.x-mysql, a phpx.x-mysqli usualy doesnt exist.


The PDO and MySQLi Drivers are inside these packages for respective PHP versions. Please install them and you should be good

For PHP 5
apt install php5-mysqlnd
| or |
apt install php5.6-mysqlnd

For PHP 7.x
apt-get install -y php7.x-mysql

php7.3-mysql - installed
php5.6(7.0/7.1/7.2/7.4)-mysql - not installed

Problem fixed by
apt install php5.6-mysql

Confirmed this bug in the latest version

Fixed in: https://github.com/hestiacp/hestiacp/commit/7faf9efdc002b4b96793ed225156ca91caa2e3e2