How to turn off SMTP limits, doesn't work main scheme

I want to do email sending from one domain, but get error after few of success sendigs
I try to fix so:

  1. Limit per user for PHP scripts

deny message = Website of user $authenticated_id is sending too many emails - rate overlimit = $sender_rate / $sender_rate_period
ratelimit = 2000 / 1h / $authenticated_id

warn ratelimit = 2000 / 1h / strict / $authenticated_id
log_message = Sender rate [limitlog]: log / account / $authenticated_id / $sender_rate / $sender_rate_period

in /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template

  1. Change 200 to 2000 in limit.conf

  2. Maybe it is possile to add domain to white list?

Thank you!

Oh, i found a simple solutions, need to go to domain folder in exim4 folder and change limit for current email address