Version 1.9.1 Roundcube does not work

We have automatic updates for Hestia CP

Last night we received the update to 1.9.1, but we are receiving reports from customers that the roundcube is not working.

After checking we have detected 2 errors on 2 different servers:

1.- error 500 this page is not working
2.- Oops… something went wrong! An internal error has occurred. Your request cannot be processed at this time.

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I managed to find the problem

giving permissions as recommended by @sahsanu at the time

Thank you very much and sorry for the inconvenience

Run these commands as root

chown -R hestiamail:www-data /etc/roundcube/
find /etc/roundcube/ -type f -iname “*php” -exec chmod 640 {} {} {};
chown -R hestiamail:www-data /var/lib/roundcube/
chown -R hestiamail:www-data /var/log/roundcube/


Fixed with 1.9.1

The solution doesn’t help.
Was upgrading from 1.9 beta to 1.9.1

UPD: hestiacp/install/deb/php-fpm/www.conf at main · hestiacp/hestiacp · GitHub solved the problem.
We need to replace /etc/php/8.x/fpm/pool.d/www.conf and then restart the service

UPD2: but it’s breaking phpmyadmin

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You can fix the error in version


Running as ROOT
