504 Gateway Timeout (wordpress sites)

I have a VPS (16 GB RAM) from Contabo

I have been using hestia control panel for some time but lately my sites have encountered problems (504 Gateway Timeout, Internal Server Error …)

I don’t know what’s wrong with the configuration

NGINX configuration

worker_processes : auto
worker_connections : 256
client_max_body_size : 200m
send_timeout : 30s
proxy_connect_timeout :30s
proxy_send_timeout : 30s
proxy_read_timeout : 30s
gzip : on
gzip_comp_level : 20


max_execution_time 300
max_input_time 300
memory_limit 512M
error_reporting E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
display_errors Off
post_max_size 3000M
upload_max_filesize 36M

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