550 smtp auth required


I had a look at the topics suggested while I was writing this and I do not believe they are experiencing what I am experiencing.

I’m hosting my website and emails using Hestia CP, I’ve added all the DNS records via cloudflare.

When I send an email from my Google Workspace email address I get this error "550 smtp auth required "

When I check the logs at: /var/log/exim4/rejectlog I see this:
rejected RCPT [email protected]: smtp auth required

I’m not sure what is wrong or what I need to fix.

Hi @JamesL,

Are you sure you added domain.co.za as mail domain in Hestia and also the mail account name? I’m asking because Exim thinks the domain is not a local domain but an external domain.

Note: if you share the actual domain it’s easier to help you.


Hi @sahsanu,

Thank you for your response, I did, please look at this: Email Account Settings | Scribe

The sending email, i.e. I’m trying to send to that email from a Google WorkSpace email address.

The domain’s DNS are added to CloudFlare.

I’ve sent an email to your info account and the mail was received by your mail server, no issues. I’ve never used Google Workspaces so I don’t know if that account needs to be configured or what the problem is but your mail server is working fine.

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Hi @sahsanu I saw your email. Thanks for testing it.

Somehow what is happening is every email on my server for any domain that uses Roundcube isn’t able to receive emails from someone who sends them an email using Google Workspace.

It spits out that error, I tried going over HestiaCP docs and based on how I set it up everything is correct, plus you’ve confirmed for me.

I tried testing deliverability using MXTools and everything is green there.

I checked my server IP on https://multirbl.valli.org and it only returned 1 blacklist which according to my host - I don’t need to worry about.

If you can think of anything else I can try please let me know.

Is the domain at Google WorkSpaces added as mail domain in Hestia?

Show the output of this command (replace YourDomainAt.GoogleWorkSpaces by the actual domain).

 v-search-object YourDomainAt.GoogleWorkSpaces
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 08:33:25 +0200
Message-ID: <CAKCf743izUL_5748HFA6cN7SFvvzqD4PKXSRzP_R7Qu1zzGDHA@mail.gmail.com>
Subject: Hestia Email test
From: Jaap Marcus <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="000000000000441a3e0623140838"

Sadly I can’t see the log files …


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Hi @sahsanu it is, when I run the command shared it returns this: HestiaCP | Scribe

This includes the following entires:

  • domain and subdomains
  • mail
  • cronjob
  • database

This is what Google Workspace support is saying: Google Response | Scribe

Hi @eris thank you for jumping on this with us.

Please go here to see the full log: Quick Text - Easiest way of online text sharing 📠

Google responded with this message: HestiaCP | Scribe

I don’t know how true this is.

I assume the domain lefoka.co.za is the domain used at Google Workspaces so you must remove the mail domain lefoka.co.za from Hestia.

This fixed it! Thanks @sahsanu and @eris

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