I have constant stream of similar sesion files like sess_jka3qt68qj367i1dhba7m4rdn3 accumulating in folder /home/username/tmp.
The content of each file is similar to: disableCookieNotification|i:0;blockCookies|i:1;check|s:32:“20570d589bf2d48992926c8992376721”
There are no users or activity in the wesites.
I think (no sure) this problem started lately with new Hestia update.
How to solve?
Thank you.
Sessions created by the websites nothing special …
Thank you for lightspeed answer but the websites are not active, no users.
Even bots might create the sessions if you use session_start in your code
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You are right (as usual ) . I found the culprit site.
Thank you very much.
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