Add hundreds of subdomain

I just tried HestiaCP on fresh VPS, it’s awesome, easy to understand and almost all features I need is on one panel, except high availability feature.

I just want to know how many domains and sub domains I can add into my server, so I tried to add 900 sub domains on this server. After around 300+ domains, my server starts complaining about too many open files for nginx, it’s easy to handle since Hestia documentation also write it, great!

And after 500+ sub domains, I can’t restart PHP-FPM with the same error, too many open files, again, this is still not too hard to handle, so I still carry on to add more sub domains on this server.

After a couple hours, my script seems stuck, it doesn’t respond smoothly to add a new sub domain, so I tried to add manually using this command
v-add-domain tester, and this took so long, maybe around 40-50 seconds to add, even I tried to add to another user with the same root domain, still took 40-50 seconds.

But, when I add a new domain, root domain to the same user (tester) or different user, it took around 10 seconds. Interesting!

No limit on this package.
Nginx only.
Debian 12.
CPU: AMD EPYC (8 VCPU) @ 2.396GHz
Memory: 16GB

Also, how to add domain via cli without DNS and email account?

After doing a couple of test, trial and error on my tough day, HestiaCP is amazing!

My motivation to create until 2000+ sub domains and 1500+ domains is just for testing purpose only, I found something interesting for myself if I have to manage a server with a lot of users which is it just my imagination, I still learn a lot about Linux administration. At least with a server I used for this testing, I got some result like:

  1. It’s not easy to delete 1 user with more than 200 domains inside there, the best limit for me is just 50 domains and aliases, 50 email accounts.

  2. If I delete a user with more than 200 domains, nginx will restart a couple times, and it will make an error 521 for 1-2 seconds to another user.

  3. I can achieve hundreds to thousand of subdomain by using wildcard, no matter I’m using Cloudflare, BunnyCDN, or own server.

  4. Everything I need is easy to configure by modify or create a new template and update to targeted user, it’s a fantastic feature!

  5. Documentation is easy to understand, and easy to read for beginners like me, also

  6. Community is great! Active, and very helpful.

Thank you @yunli @eris @linkp

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Using cluster functionality to make more machines work, do you want to exhaust it

Unused resource is just wasting of money, lol
Joke aside, I just want to learn more since multiple server usage for a service got me interested.

Are you still using a virtual server? We should use a physical server! After all, physical servers are more suitable for high load scenarios

Yes, still on VPS, but this is claimed as “Dedicated vCPU” on Hetzner, and if I add a new root domain, not sub domain, it’s normal, unless if I add a sub domain from the same domain that is (example from this thread) will took more time.

Btw, I just add another 500 root domains to a new user, it’s fast.

What a talented person!

I know it can be sarcasm, that’s why I asked here.

I just curious why If I add sub domain from the same root domain took so long, while add a new root domain just normal, that’s it.

Anyway, this is just a testing server.

I’m not mocking you! Your idea is fantastic!

Because a room is assumed to be empty by default, if more people need to come in, they need to communicate with each other and decide where to place it better! Can you understand this explanation?

Uhh, I apologize for my negative thinking, mate!

Yeah, I understand, maybe I will test to a new dedicated server, I need to find that no need contract, I will post again to this thread for the result.

Thank you for your time, I hope you will read and answer again for my new result.

it will be! Wishing you a happy Chinese New Year! I’m from China.

Thank you, mate!
Happy Chinese New Year! :tada:
Wishing you happy, prosperous, wealth, and health!

700 subdomein are a lot don’t forget each log file is created of each domain.

Use wildcards if you can …

Thank you Eris!
That’s right, that’s a lot, and I don’t have a need to create that many subdomains yet, this thread is the result of my curiosity about the HestiaCP panel that I just learned, then based on comments from the Cloudflare community regarding the maximum subdomains for free and paid accounts.
1000 subdomains for free accounts.
3500 for paid accounts.

My curiosity continued when I saw the comparison of the speed of adding subdomains and root domains through the terminal which felt different, that’s why I created this thread. You and Yunli help me a lot to understand! thank you!


That number is now significantly lower. It currently caps at 200 DNS records on Free plans.

I have a requirement that needs to add close to a thousand subdomain definitions just DNS entries to a single HestiaCP. I’m not doing any sort of Web (Apache, Ngnix, PHP-FPM, template definitions); these are just DNS A-records to point to other HestiaCP instances.

Will this be an issue?

Will what be an issue?

Are you asking about Cloudflare DNS record limits?

If you run your DNS on Cloudflare, you will need a paid plan to host more than 200 records. If you are running your DNS on your own HestiaCP servers, Cloudflare limits won’t apply.

Or did you mean something else?

On HestiaCP, using the DNS entry tab or CLI API to add A record-to-ip-address resolutions.

I am very curious, please explain why the need for so many subdomains? Am I missing a trick here?

Yes, I also want some kind of failover high availability solution, please let me know if you come up with a good and cost effective solution.

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DNS is not a really issues


I’m pretty sure HestiaCP can handle all the subdomains. DNS is a relatively simple service and I’ve written one in NodeJS before. I’d rather use 1 HestiaCP instance as it has a nice UI if I have to manually do things. This is for prototyping a large number of websites for various design agencies. Not for public viewing per se. They’re all subdomains on top of an existing domain. I’m using to proxy and provide immediate availability to a bunch of HestiaCP servers until the DNS catches up (or for users behind slow or poorly updated DNSs).

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