All cronjobs were gone! What must to be added

I have always had this issue of Lets Encrypt SSL certificates not getting renewed. Now I think I have found the root cause: I do not have any cronjob set up on the server. 0, zero cronjob.

I remember I had a few there. Now nothing there.

So the question is, what cronjobs I must have?

Another question is concerning lamav-daemon - once in whilte I find that it stops and I have to restart it manually. So how to set up a cronjob to restart it everyday in the morning?

JOB='1' MIN='*/2' HOUR='*' DAY='*' MONTH='*' WDAY='*' CMD='sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-update-sys-queue restart' SUSPENDED='no' TIME='18:31:44' DATE='2021-03-14'

JOB='2' MIN='10' HOUR='00' DAY='*' MONTH='*' WDAY='*' CMD='sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-update-sys-queue daily' SUSPENDED='no' TIME='18:31:44' DATE='2021-03-14'

JOB='3' MIN='15' HOUR='02' DAY='*' MONTH='*' WDAY='*' CMD='sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-update-sys-queue disk' SUSPENDED='no' TIME='18:31:45' DATE='2021-03-14'

JOB='4' MIN='10' HOUR='00' DAY='*' MONTH='*' WDAY='*' CMD='sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-update-sys-queue traffic' SUSPENDED='no' TIME='18:31:45' DATE='2021-03-14'

JOB='5' MIN='30' HOUR='03' DAY='*' MONTH='*' WDAY='*' CMD='sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-update-sys-queue webstats' SUSPENDED='no' TIME='18:31:46' DATE='2021-03-14'

JOB='6' MIN='*/5' HOUR='*' DAY='*' MONTH='*' WDAY='*' CMD='sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-update-sys-queue backup' SUSPENDED='no' TIME='18:31:46' DATE='2021-03-14'

JOB='7' MIN='10' HOUR='05' DAY='*' MONTH='*' WDAY='*' CMD='sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-backup-users' SUSPENDED='no' TIME='18:31:47' DATE='2021-03-14'

JOB='8' MIN='20' HOUR='00' DAY='*' MONTH='*' WDAY='*' CMD='sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-update-user-stats' SUSPENDED='no' TIME='18:31:48' DATE='2021-03-14'

JOB='9' MIN='*/5' HOUR='*' DAY='*' MONTH='*' WDAY='*' CMD='sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-update-sys-rrd' SUSPENDED='no' TIME='18:31:49' DATE='2021-03-14'

JOB='10' MIN='02' HOUR='1' DAY='*' MONTH='*' WDAY='*' CMD='sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-update-sys-hestia-all' SUSPENDED='no' TIME='18:31:49' DATE='2021-03-14'

Eris, thank you so much! God bless you for your quick resonse!!!

OK, after switching back to admin account, I do see all the cronjobs I have. I even have these two related to the SSL certificates:

sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-update-letsencrypt-ssl
sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-update-sys-queue letsencrypt

maybe check if you cron service is running at all. it should pick up the admin cronjobs automatically.

also if your letsencrypt certs do not renewe automatically, you might want to check, if you have old aliases in between, that might not resolve to your server anymore and therefore break validation.

I have HestiaCP v1.5.11 installed.
I had migrated my user with its things from another host with same version of HestiaCP.
That user has websites with let’s encrypt domains.
After migration of admin user had only 10 cron jobs and no one related to let’s encrypt.
I disabled and enabled again “Use Lets Encrypt to obtain SSL certificate” option for one web domain.
Only after that admin user get 11th cron job:
30 7 * * * sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-update-letsencrypt-ssl
Is that how it was meant to be after import?
P.S.: it was a bug and will be fixed.