Yesterday, I was able to log in with my admin account, but today it’s impossible. There haven’t been any password changes or anything of the sort.
Even after using “v-change-user-password admin” to reset my admin password, I am still unable to log in.
My other accounts for my domains are accessible. I’m not banned by fail2ban, because my IP are on the whitelist.
What can i do?
No, there are enouth storage free. (+450GB), also enouth RAM.
Check /var/log/hestia/auth.log
What do you see?
Also just to be sure what are the permissions on /usr/local/hestia/data/sessions
2024-01-23 19:55:12 admin xx.xx.79.12 failed to login (IP address not in allowed list)
Now the question: How can i add myself to the whitelist?
I found online the command: v-add-sys-api-ip xx.xx.79.12
but that’s not working.
Little bit strange, because my home IP is dedicated and not changed.
PS: nice to learn Hestia on this way.
I’m now on /usr/local/hestia/data/users/admin/user.conf
and i see this:
Strange that the allowed IP is blank. For now, i have changed Yes to No and can now login.
Thank you for your support @eris and @Raphael