Cannot install Hestia--User Admin Exists

hi, I’m installing Hestia on a new hosting, it has never been installed on this hosting.
Unfortunately the error is User Admin Exists, I cannot continue.

The error and solution is clear.

Hestia uses admin user for administrative tasks, it is a must (at least till new Hestia version 1.9.x) but seems that your server already has an admin user created. Hestia detects it and that’s because you see the error message.

To solve it, run the installation adding option --force BUT keep in mind that current admin user will be removed. I don’t know what that user does so, before using --force, double check that the user can be removed.

Thanks, how can I remove that user with command?

If you are really sure you can remove it, then let Hestia’s installation to remove it using --force

Thanks, I still cannot continue, I got this error after using force
PLS note I cannot uprade to Ubuntu22, I can only use Ubuntu20

Run manually as root:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
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