Can't add user or domain


Its been a little while since Ive been on here. I couldn’t figure out why Discord wasn’t working until I read the last post.

I have a 1.18.11 sever that I had previously on Debian and just recently upgraded to Ubuntu LTS. What I am facing is a couple of the users and domains apparently never restored from the backup.

When I go in and try and create them in Hestia CP, it says the user exists. I looked at the code for creating a user and saw what it checks - so I made sure it does not exist in /etc/passwd for example. Still can’t create. Nothing under /home for that user.

I thought I might just create a new user and put their domains (dns) under it. New user- no prob. Add the other domains, errror, domain exists.

Can anyone shed any light on where I might find the root of this issue? I do not (this migration happened a month back or more and just finding it) have the backup files any longer so restore is not an option. Just recreating them from zone files I did have backups of - manually.


I actually just figured it out, after posting this. The restore had failed for whatever reason, but it had inserted a line in :slight_smile:

/usr/local/hestia/deata/queue/disk.pipe and traffic.pipe

For the domains, I found /usr/local/hestia/data/users/USERNAME/dns.conf existed, so I nuked the USERNAME folder.

Once I removed those it was happy to create the user and the domains both.



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