Cant recive emails but can send

Than you have 2 options:

  1. Pay me so I can do the debugging for you but it starts at 50 euro / 30 min

  2. Debug it your self and provide more informations

I have asked multiple times for mainlog but still no information…

I can’t debug things with out information…

There is nothing in the mainlog file



All old logs…

What are you sending to

[email protected]

In that case:
Non-authoritative answer:





In that case both are Cloudflare ips…

no Im sending to [email protected]

The only logs which I have for exim4 were those, which seem to be that they are not updating

root@dev:~# telnet 25
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

Exit running?

Exim4 is running in systemctl but on hestia it shows as red.


that’s everything which I can see

exim isnt running… active (exited) means goodbye…


Even when I re-run all of the previous commands exim4 still shows as active (exited)

you may want to check WHICH exim4 package is installed…
it has happened to me on a few machines that during upgrade exim4-daemon-heavy was purged and replaced with the light version - which then throws several errors…
Even tough in your case there seems to be nothing in your status, it may still be worth checking…
As Raphael said, your exim is NOT running (the indication in hestia is correct)…

PS: we do not need the “ls /var/log/exim4” - we need
cat /var/log/exim4/paniclog
cat /var/log/exim4/mainlog (which is ABSENT from your ls)
cat /var/log/exim4/rejectlog (which seems to have been archived without starting a new one?)
(cat could be replace with tail -200 or similar. or pipe through less)
IF paniclog is NON-zero in size it may show why exim is not willing to stay running…

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Try to run
journalctl exim4 to see why the service is not running.

This worked thanks for your help

And thanks for everyone else who helped with this

In summary:
Make sure that “exim4-daemon-heavy” is installed.

Use the new config template.

Reinstall sendmail if you install exim4-config | sudo apt reinstall -y sendmail

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Hi Scott @logicflamedev

HAPPY your problem was resolved. This seems to be a problem with the ubuntu upgrade - but it has also occurred when switching from MariaDB 10.5 directly to 11.x

IMHO your additional step is somewhat counterproductive…
When you install exim4 it does SYMLINK the sendmail to exim and ALL sendmail request are done through exim - I would prefer to keep it that way. I suspect that this desired behaviour is destroyed when you re-install sendmail… You can check by looking at /usr/sbin/sendmail (IF exim is installed this should be a symlink to exim4!)

ls /usr/sbin/sendmail
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 Nov 23  2022 /usr/sbin/sendmail -> exim4

Someone with more knowledge may chime in here, but that is the way I understand it.


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