Cant recive emails but can send

After an upgrade of Ubuntu version, which wanted some things removed from apt.

I can send emails to other email providers, but I cannot receive any emails.

I have checked MXToolbox, and that’s all green if there is anything that needs installing which may have been missed or a configuration issue any help to try and fix it will be a great help.

Exim4 is “failed” on the hestia server settings however on the server itself its running when I check it with systemctl status exim4.

probaly 20.04 to 22.04: Operating system upgrades | Hestia Control Panel

Unfortunately, this did not work.

I have followed the steps on this page however, this did not work as I emailed myself from another email, and it has not gone through

Check /var/log/exim/mainlog

Here is the top section of the mainlog which just repeats.

rm -f /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template
cp -f /usr/local/hestia/install/deb/exim/exim4.conf.4.94.template /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template

Or 4.95.template if it is Ubuntu 22.04 or Deb 12


I have tried this however it did not work and the settings still shows this as red but the actual service is started on the server


output of systemctl status exim or systemctl status exim4?


this is the output but I have received a failed delivery notice


i have the same problem, where the diferent is i have to network interfaces ens1 y ens2. where the ens2 has the public ip.

i think is related to this but i cant fix it. the error is the same as you said

It should not matter check your logs…

This is a different problem just check that your email DNS is linked to the public IP and on hestia the IP for the emails match

What is the failed delivery notice says?

I may be out of line here however, IMHO the linked notes for upgrade need to be a little more complete for those who do not work with exim4 configurations all the time… :smile:

Just in case you missed it:

#	---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#	AS recommended in the upgrade notes:
#	NOTE:  rm -f  is  technically  NOT required IF using cp -f  
#	(cp -f WILL clobber) 
#	---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rm -f /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template
cp -f /usr/local/hestia/install/deb/exim/exim4.conf.4.94.template /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template
#	OR
cp -f /usr/local/hestia/install/deb/exim/exim4.conf.4.95.template /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template
#	---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#	-	generate the new configuration from the copied (new) TEMPLATE
#	-	RESTART exim4 to USE the new configuration...
#	---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
systemctl restart exim4

hope this may help…


unfortunalty I have tried this a few times and it doesn’t work,

removed the mail domain and IP but that’s all that’s in the failed delivery notice

Disable Cloudflare proxy from

its not on,

the emails worked before this upgrade,

once the upgrade happened, emails have stopped I have followed the docs for after upgrading but still nothing.