Change File and Folder Permissions through File Manager

Nearly every cpanel I have come through, no matter how bad they were. They still had an option to modify permission of a folder or file in a nice GUI view.

Why hestiacp still doesn’t have that, not everyone in my team is technical enough to use command line to do such tasks.

If there’s security risk, then please give an option under settings to opt for it.


I dont use the file manager. Hestia uses GitHub - filegator/filegator: Powerful Multi-User File Manager.
peek inside $HESTIA/bin/v-add-sys-filemanager around line 27 to see yourself.

Maybe you can start with filegator to code up an improvement or support development of the new feature.

This was as close as I could get and it doesnt appear to be a GUI solution

File gator should support in 1.8.12 release

Maybe we need to change some config settings…

And I was correct:

Make this change in /usr/local/hestia/web/fm/configuration.php

Great. I looked around filegator but didnt see anything about this in the docs.

As we use a custom authentication method we needed to enable it separately

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