Changing Default Template of Welcome Mail

Whenever I create a new user under my hestia panel, It sends a welcome mail to them in this format:
Hello test,

Your account has been created and ready to use.
Username: test
Password: G?(RnN2lCo&|lL=9

Best regards,

(Application Name)

I need to edit this template as it seems to send my panel’s link with mail.mydomain alias instead of panel.mydomain

But I couldn’t find any documentation (Or my eyes are the problem here) on how to change this template or where it is situated.

That’s because the hostname of your server is mail.whatever

Anyways, if you want to use another template:

sudo su -
mkdir /usr/local/hestia/data/templates/email
cp /usr/local/hestia/install/common/templates/email/examples/account_ready.html /usr/local/hestia/data/templates/email/

Now edit this file and change it to fit your needs:


If you want to use another language (you should translate it by your own), copy the file but add the country code, example for Spain:

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hey thank you for the help, That’s exactly what I needed.
The reason I setup my hostname as mail.mydomain… was because every docs i have read suggests the a server running mail server should make their hostname as their mail domain to help with better mail deliverability.

I also seem to have this on my title bar:
host 2

it shows my hostname in title bar, any way I can also configure that?
or should I just change the whole hostname of my linux server as web0.mydomain. I don’t know how it affects mail sent from that server if I do that.

In settings of Hestia, I did set web0 as my hostname as you can see below:
it didn’t let me put 2 embeds on this post so just posting the picture on another reply below…

You’re welcome :wink:

A mail server must use the same hostname to which the PTR record of the public IP of that server resolves.

I mean, if your hostname is and the public ip is, then dig +short should resolve to the ip and dig -x +short must resolve to

Also, Exim4 by default will use the system’s hostname to identify itself but you can configure it to use the hostname that you need.

Yes, Server settings -> Configure - White Label -> General -> Title

There replace {{hostname}}


by what you want…


Once modified, Save and you are done.