Changing port 8443 (Изменение порта 8443)

Tell me, is it possible to change the WEB_SSL_PORT=‘8443’ port to some other one?
Port 8443 is needed to run the bot on the webhook, port 88 is occupied by another bot.
Thank you.

Подскажите, можно ли изменить порт WEB_SSL_PORT=‘8443’ на какой-нибуть другой?
Порт 8443 нужен для запуска бота на вебхуке, порт 88 занят другим ботом.

I’m currently not sure, if this is possible. Maybe you can adjust the web ssl port in the config and rebuild all user domains - but this isnt really supported from our side, have never done this. Maybe its easier to adjust your bot to use a different port.

webhook only works with 4 ports 80, 443, 88, 8443
вебхук работает только с 4 портами 80, 443, 88, 8443

I changed port 8443 to 8843, the sites work, the panel works too, and the bots work too.
Я изменил порт 8443 на 8843, сайты работают, панель тоже работает, и боты тоже работают.

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