I wanted this feature(I’m not a great coder) and created this bash script thru chatgpt. Seems to be working fine.
Wanted to share it as it may also help others.
At the same time, I also need opinion from the devs to make sure that nothing is left out.
@eris @sahsanu @Raphael Please advice.
# Function to check if the entered username exists
function check_user_exists() {
local username=$1
# Get the list of existing users in plain format and check if the username exists
if v-list-users plain | awk '{print $1}' | grep -qw "$username"; then
return 0 # User exists
return 1 # User does not exist
# Prompt the user to input the username
read -p "Enter the HestiaCP username: " username
# Check if the username exists
if ! check_user_exists "$username"; then
echo "Error: The username '$username' does not exist in HestiaCP."
exit 1
# Prompt the user to input the new IP address
read -p "Enter the new IP address: " new_ip
# Check if the new IP address is provided
if [[ -z "$new_ip" ]]; then
echo "Error: IP address is required."
exit 1
# List all domains for the user and loop through them to change the IP address
for domain in $(v-list-web-domains $username plain | awk '{print $1}'); do
echo "Changing IP for domain: $domain to $new_ip"
v-change-web-domain-ip $username $domain $new_ip
echo "IP address change completed for all domains under user: $username"