Configuration for shared web hosting - 100 WP websites

Hello. I am going to move from a plesk install about 100 WordPress websites.

I won’t need DNS or Email since I am already using a different Hestia server for that purpose.

What is your recommended server config?

  • Nginx + FPM
  • Nginx + Apache
  • I would also like to leverage caching for wordpress sites.
  • I will need multiphp.

Thank you very much in advance.

Clearly nginx+fpm, will be faster and uses less resources.

Thank you very much @Raphael for your prompt response. For what I have been reading, I agree with you.

Any pointers on the install script?

bash –nginx yes --apache no –phpfpm yes –multiphp yesvsftpd yes --proftpd no --exim yes --dovecot no --clamav no --spamassassin no –mysql yes --lang es --hostname

Is there something missing or something that I don’t need?

Nginx cache support is only works for sites with heavy load. For 1 visitor in 10 min the advantages doesn’t out way disadvantages. (More disk wear it doesn’t take the advantages of caching). Also a lot of plugins will break and can cause multiple issues with less preformance and non functional cache so be careful with it …

Multiphp I should use no and only install the version you really need. Probally 7.3 / 7.4 and 8.0. PHP 5.6 / 7.0 / 7.1 / 7.2 should probally just die…

For the size / type of server it depends on the load / performance you need. I have websites where I can host 1000 sites on server or sites where max 5 on 1 server it depends on the traffic

Thank you very much @eris for your time.

The cache plugins will work? Which? Or should I just not cache.

I agree with you but I will have to migrate a couple of PHP 5.6 websites.

Money is not a problem. Probably I should get a new VPS with multiphp for those legacy websites.

The websites have very little traffic but I don’t have disk restrictions.

An “exploit” that allows certain function limitations bypasses.

I use no cache plugin but I have mainly “static” pages and so It works great with Nginx Cache. Woocommerce with “baskets” or themes that count page views will break with nginx cache. For example…

I agree that Nginx+FPM might be better resource-wise and speed-wise, but you need to also check beforehand if there are any sites / plugins / whatever, that depends on .htaccess files. Unless you have the time / will to convert those configs.

Usually Nginx + FPM will be enough. But what I usually do nowadays is: I set Nginx > Apache > PHP-FPM. And in case Apache not required, web-server configuration can be adjusted to exclude Apache. As you mentioned WordPress, I think that Apache will be required for some components, as from my experience… But obviously it depends on your requirements, and no1 knows it better then you)

Thank you so much for your input.

In an ideal world: Nginx + FPM BUT if I host woocommerce then not.

Since I will host woocommerce and some plugins might need .htaccess then I need apache.

@Felix said that Nginx+FPM might need a lot of adaptations or tweakings. And I am not willing to spend my time. I’d rather get more cores and ram.

So @Vadym said, Nginx + Apache + FPM. Maybe it is the solution but how?

  • Set static webs with Nginx + FPM
  • Rest of webs with Nginx + Apache

And then if I add cache on top of it the solution remains the same?

  • Set static webs with Nginx + FPM + Cache
  • Rest of webs with Nginx + Apache + Cache

And what about PHP legacy websites? Host a new VPS with all the bullshit websites and increase the hosting price because of the legacy headaches until they buy a new website?

What will happen when PHP 7.3 gets old. Will I then need multiphp?

Static files need no cache Nginx is more than enough.

You can’t run Nginx+FPM and Apache+Nginx+FPM at the same time…

About you charge your clients it up to you…

@eris thank you for your time. You are telling me what not to do but you are not telling me what to do.

What would you do in my case?

100 Wordpress sites with little traffic. Some of them with woocommerce.

For WordPress I would use Apache as @eris is suggesting above. Also from my lately experience with WordPress (.htaccess related).
Also I would pick latest PHP for most of the websites where I will isolate legacy PHP websites on different VPS/server.
Lately I’ll try moving the websites that us old PHP to newer PHP versions to avoid security risks.

Nginx + Apache or Apache

Never Apache2 Alone!

Use nginx for static files…

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Thank you all for the discussion. I hope someone else will find it interesting too.

I will stick to apache + nginx for broader compatibility with the WordPress ecosystem and less headaches.

I think that I could easily make a guide with recommendations for common use cases so that newbies / non-sysadmins have a reference to get hestia running.

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