Hello, i’m searching for alternatives to Plesk and I found HestiaCP.
The demo and UI seems nice and easy to use. But i have a question : with plesk i’m using a lot the possibility to create a site from a git repository (cauz i’m developping webapps) and i could not find something about this in HestiaCP
So my question is simple : is it possible to do that :
Create a new website from a git repository ?
Do git updates and git checkouts for version management ?
trigger post upgrade cli actions like :
php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate
or php bin/console cache:clear
If not currently possible would it be considered to put it in the roadmap ?
Kind regards and thanks in advance for your attention,
I have setup forjego myself via HCP, with a separate folder location. HCP I have used only for DNS and SSL. Otherwise I work from the forjego folders itself.
Although, good point, I too have few things I wish to run, but not sure how to via HCP.
cd /home/hestia/web/docs.hestiacp.com/public_html/
if git remote update ; then
if git status -uno | grep -q 'Your branch is behind'; then
date -u
make clean
git pull
make html
date -u
echo "Updated successfully"
echo "Failed"
cd /home/hestia/web/hestiacp.com/public_html/
wget -q -O .version https://api.github.com/repos/hestiacp/hestiacp/releases/latest