Cyrillic domain and Let's Encrypt certificate. Error code 3

Good day. Problem with obtaining Let’s Encrypt certificate for Cyrillic domain. The domain name is written in Punicode, and when trying to generate a certificate, it gives an error with code 3. How can I fix it?

We should have fixed the issue in the next release

When you enter the domain make sure you use the

xn--xxxxxx.xn--tld format and then it should be fine

Via comand line:
idn -t --quiet -a “” should convert it in the correct format

This format is used, but when trying to get a certificate, it gives an error with code 3. When trying to write a domain in Cyrillic, the entire user fell off. So I fixed everything and wrote it in coding, but I can’t get a certificate. I’ll wait for the update. Thank you.

Let’s Encrypt (and the ACME protocol) accept IDNs only as A-labels (ASCII labels, starting with xn-- , also known as Punycode), not as U-labels (Unicode labels). You can convert between U-labels and A-labels using or . Note that supports the older IDNA the older IDNA2003 spec, while Boulder implements the newer IDNA2008 spec, and so may reject some names converted by that site.

It should be the correct format

It was and is in this format. “” shows the same when converting.

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Thanks man. Заколебался искать

The problem has not been solved. Panel Version 1.5.11.
Has anyone coped with this problem?

It should have been fixed please check log files


2022-03-22 13:42:40 v-add-letsencrypt-domain 'XXX' 'xn--67-dlcxbalgejw.xn--p1ai' '' '' [Error 3]


Date Time: 2022-03-22 13:32:30
WEB_SYSTEM: apache2
user: XXX
domain: xn--67-dlcxbalgejw.xn--p1ai

- aliases: 
- proto: http-01
- wildcard: 

Date Time: 2022-03-22 13:42:40
WEB_SYSTEM: apache2
user: XXX
domain: xn--67-dlcxbalgejw.xn--p1ai

- aliases: 
- proto: http-01
- wildcard: 
    if ! nslookup "${identifier}" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
        check_result "$E_NOTEXIST" "DNS record for $identifier doesn't exist"

nslookup domain probally fails on your server

Probally some resolving issues on your server…

USER@cp:~$ nslookup xn--67-dlcxbalgejw.xn--p1ai
Server:         192.168.X.1
Address:        192.168.X.1#53

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:   ликвимоли

What problem can there be with nslookup?

This would explain the error message and so on.

You can try it running again and provide also the output of the command if you run in in command line

The problem was fixed when I added DNS records for this domain to HestiaCP. The domain is delegated to other DNS servers.

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