All sites ask for database connection.
Credentials are correct may not communicate.
PHPmyadmin is also not accessible.
Was it a Bug?
I also noticed that the site only communicates with the database if the site and database are created automatically, if I contract the site it does not communicate with the database.
It’s frustrating because a panel should make working with the server easier.
You need to check your mysql service, probaly its just down. Also, I’m to lazy to write again, I’m gonna link my last time I wrote a bit about hestia and what it is used for:
You’re running a server on your own, you can’t expect to have a “managed hosting” just using a controlpanel - it’s more a “hosting”. The “managed” comes from the person which runs the server and needs to “manage it”. And this will be the same for MyVestaCP, Plesk, cPanel, ispconfig and every other control panel on the market.