Sir @eris I did this setup in past when I get the solution in this link
I try Hestiacp and I like it very much compare to others but in hestiacp I can’t receive emails in my mail, I am able to send email via SMTP relay it’s works fine, but can’table to receive any emails, first I think maybe something worng I did in setup process, and I try and try but can’t able to solve, then I try other control panels like cyberpanel, webmin, aapanel then it’s work completely fine I am able to receive and sent emails in those panels, only in Hestiacp something doesn’t work, I am …
This time it’s different now it blocked by spamcop.
I want to know that this time really spamcop block this mails to deliver or just like previous it actually blocked because of my server but it says spamhaus like in this topic
I try Hestiacp and I like it very much compare to others but in hestiacp I can’t receive emails in my mail, I am able to send email via SMTP relay it’s works fine, but can’table to receive any emails, first I think maybe something worng I did in setup process, and I try and try but can’t able to solve, then I try other control panels like cyberpanel, webmin, aapanel then it’s work completely fine I am able to receive and sent emails in those panels, only in Hestiacp something doesn’t work, I am …