Disk upgrade on my VPS

Good morning

I have recently done a disk upgrade on my VPS.

I have done cfdisk to extend the partition.

the result is the one I show in the graphic.

What should be the procedure for HestiaCP to recognize the entire disk?

Thank you very much

This should work fine


Thank you very much for your suggestion, although Iā€™m afraid itā€™s not what I need.

As I show in the graphic, the disk size is already shown even in the hestiaCP panel (bottom part), it just doesnā€™t pick it up and is used by the panel, so Iā€™m getting less space than I have contracted for (and will end up needing).

Maybe review erisā€™s reply. specifically step 3.

Step 3. Once the partition is resized and the partition table reloaded, itā€™s a simple matter of running resize2fs on the file system, and you can do this even when itā€™s mounted as the root partition.


$ sudo resize2fs /dev/sda3

Thank you very much it worked perfectly

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