DNS structure question

This might be a dumb question, but just curious: is the DNS for the.txt file required to have the Quotation mark at the beginning and end? I notice that Hestia does not have it, but when I add the site to Cloudflare, it does not have it.

Screenshot 2024-06-29 at 12.27.27 PM


It’s a TXT RR, with RR being an abbreviation of Resource Record, not a .txt file. The second one you show serves no purpose. It was known as a policy record and is a remnant of the never adopted DomainKeys standard. The use of policy records was not retained in the DKIM standard that is used today. While completely superfluous, its presence, fortunately, won’t cause any problems.

As for quotation marks surrounding the contents of a TXT record, that is normal. You shouldn’t need to include them in any webforms that are used to populate your DNS records. They will be present in the raw zone data where they function as delimiters surrounding the character string in the RDATA. You can learn more in RFC 1035.

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Awesome thank you for the clarification.


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