Domain rebuilding failure with nginx and apache2?

1- When I try to check “Use Let’s Encrypt to obtain SSL certificate” and save (To renew my ssl certificate) after unchecking it first and saving “ON SOME DOMAINS NOT ALL OF THEM”.

2- When I use the “Quick Install App” to install wordpress “ON SOME DOMAINS NOT ALL OF THEM”.

–When trying to do 1 || 2 I get “error apache2 restart failed”. And the web server fails.
Nginx also fails.


Troubleshooting steps:

Looking into these files:
/etc/apache2/conf.d/domains/affected_domain.conf AND /etc/apache2/conf.d/domains/affected_domain.ssl.conf (FOR APACHE2)

/etc/nginx/conf.d/domains/affected_domain.conf AND
/etc/nginx/conf.d/domains/affected_domain.ssl.conf (FOR NGINX)

I find out that the IP part before “:80” or “:443” or “:8443” is empty. So I need to add them manually every time after every edit to ssl certs or WordPress “WORDPRESS INSTALLATION FAILS BTW”.

Thanks in advance :smile:

Is there a solution to that? :smiling_face_with_tear:

Show the output of these commands (replace YourUser and YourDomain by the actual data):

v-list-sys-ips json | jq
v-list-user YourUser json | jq | grep -Ev 'CONTACT|RKEY'
v-list-web-domain YourUser YourDomain json | jq

Do I excute with “root” or “admin” ?

  "": {
    "OWNER": "admin",
    "STATUS": "shared",
    "NAME": "",
    "U_WEB_DOMAINS": "9",
    "INTERFACE": "",
    "NETMASK": "",
    "NAT": "",
    "TIME": "08:23:14",
    "DATE": "2024-10-19"

  "**USER**": {
    "NAME": "**USERNAME**",
    "PACKAGE": "default",
    "WEB_TEMPLATE": "default",
    "BACKEND_TEMPLATE": "default",
    "PROXY_TEMPLATE": "default",
    "DNS_TEMPLATE": "default",
    "WEB_DOMAINS": "unlimited",
    "WEB_ALIASES": "unlimited",
    "DNS_DOMAINS": "unlimited",
    "DNS_RECORDS": "unlimited",
    "MAIL_DOMAINS": "unlimited",
    "MAIL_ACCOUNTS": "unlimited",
    "DATABASES": "unlimited",
    "CRON_JOBS": "unlimited",
    "DISK_QUOTA": "unlimited",
    "BANDWIDTH": "unlimited",
    "HOME": "/home/**USER**",
    "NS": "ns1.**DOMAIN**.org,ns2.**DOMAIN**.org",
    "SHELL": "nologin",
    "BACKUPS": "20",
    "CRON_REPORTS": "yes",
    "TWOFA": "",
    "QRCODE": "",
    "ROLE": "user",
    "SUSPENDED": "no",
    "SUSPENDED_WEB": "0",
    "SUSPENDED_DNS": "0",
    "SUSPENDED_MAIL": "0",
    "SUSPENDED_DB": "0",
    "SUSPENDED_CRON": "0",
    "IP_AVAIL": "1",
    "IP_OWNED": "0",
    "U_USERS": "4",
    "U_DISK": "246",
    "U_DISK_DIRS": "54",
    "U_DISK_WEB": "162",
    "U_DISK_MAIL": "2",
    "U_DISK_DB": "28",
    "U_BANDWIDTH": "75",
    "U_WEB_DOMAINS": "1",
    "U_WEB_SSL": "1",
    "U_WEB_ALIASES": "1",
    "U_DNS_DOMAINS": "1",
    "U_DNS_RECORDS": "17",
    "U_MAIL_DOMAINS": "1",
    "U_MAIL_DKIM": "1",
    "U_MAIL_ACCOUNTS": "2",
    "U_DATABASES": "2",
    "U_CRON_JOBS": "0",
    "U_BACKUPS": "20",
    "LANGUAGE": "en",
    "THEME": "",
    "NOTIFICATIONS": "no",
    "PREF_UI_SORT": "name",
    "LOGIN_DISABLED": "no",
    "LOGIN_USE_IPLIST": "no",
    "LOGIN_ALLOW_IPS": "",
    "PHPCLI": "",
    "TIME": "18:02:27",
    "DATE": "2024-02-17"
  "**DOMAIN**.org": {
    "IP": " ",
    "IP6": "",
    "DOCUMENT_ROOT": "/home/**USER**/web/**DOMAIN**.org/public_html/",
    "U_DISK": "162",
    "U_BANDWIDTH": "75",
    "TPL": "default",
    "ALIAS": "www.**DOMAIN**.org",
    "STATS": "",
    "STATS_USER": "",
    "SSL": "yes",
    "SSL_FORCE": "no",
    "SSL_HSTS": "",
    "SSL_HOME": "same",
    "LETSENCRYPT": "yes",
    "FTP_USER": "",
    "FTP_PATH": "",
    "AUTH_USER": "",
    "BACKEND": "PHP-8_2",
    "PROXY": "default",
    "PROXY_EXT": "css,htm,html,js,json,xml,apng,avif,bmp,cur,gif,ico,jfif,jpg,jpeg,pjp,pjpeg,png,svg,tif,tiff,webp,aac,caf,flac,m4a,midi,mp3,ogg,opus,wav,3gp,av1,avi,m4v,mkv,mov,mpg,mpeg,mp4,mp4v,webm,otf,ttf,woff,woff2,doc,docx,odf,odp,ods,odt,pdf,ppt,pptx,rtf,txt,xls,xlsx,7z,bz2,gz,rar,tar,tgz,zip,apk,appx,bin,dmg,exe,img,iso,jar,msi,webmanifest",
    "FASTCGI_CACHE": "no",
    "REDIRECT": "",
    "REDIRECT_CODE": "",
    "SUSPENDED": "no",
    "TIME": "18:02:45",
    "DATE": "2024-02-17"

There is a space behind the last 10.

Check the file /usr/local/hestia/data/users/YourUser/web.conf just in case there is an space on IP=' ' fields. If the answer is yes, remove the space, save the file and rebuild the web domains for that user.

v-rebuild-web-domains YourUser yes
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That’s what I found :unamused:

Is it bad? :smiling_face_with_tear:

Yes it is. Remove those blanks. I’m wondering how that happenend…

It is like a pandemic! These spaces are litrary in every domain inside every user !!!

Thank you so much, that worked!!! :heart::partying_face:

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Great! You are welcome :wink:

Just in case, create a new domain and check whether the ip field is the right one.

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I tried this and it the new domain’s IP seems correct!

YOU LITERALLY MADE MY DAY ! :heart::heart:

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