Edit iptables redirect bug, proxied hestia

Hey guys,

  • Hestia Control Panel v1.7.7
  • Operating SystemUbuntu 22.04 (x86_64)

I’ve proxied my Hestia through nginx to be accessed by a restricted subdomain, and for the most part everything seems to work fine, xcept one small thing: when trying to edit iptables config through the ‘Server Setting’ screen (see screenshot) it gets redirected to the hestia nginx port instead of being proxied like the rest, prompting a security warning/breaking authentication. Any suggestion for a quick fix? Thanks :slight_smile:

If you click on it it should redirect to:

The button at the top goes to /list/firewall/ properly, nothing weird happens
But the ‘iptables’ link from the list goes to the IP:PORT/list/firewall and breaks the proxying
I tried to dig through the templates but couldnt immediately find where this is, maybe you can point me