Enable clamav for exim4

Good morning.

Today I have discovered a part about exim config por clamav that it is working with every domain. We have a file into /etc/exim4/domains/$domain/ calle antivirus. Do you know how it works? I have tried writting a domain per line but if I send an email to an account with domain existing into antivirus file, it does nothing.

Can anybody help me?

This is the most significative config about clamav into exim

.ifdef CLAMD
warn set acl_m0 = no

warn condition = ${if exists {/etc/exim4/domains/$domain/antivirus}{yes}{no}}
set acl_m0 = yes

.ifdef CLAMD
deny message = Message contains a virus ($malware_name) and has been rejected
malware = */defer_ok
condition = ${if eq{$acl_m0}{yes}{yes}{no}}

I have found the answer. Delete condition line into acl_check_data. I don’t know because this is not working, but clamav scan mails and this condition return false.

.ifdef CLAMD
deny message = Message contains a virus ($malware_name) and has been rejected
malware = */defer_ok
#condition = ${if eq{$acl_m0}{yes}{yes}{no}}

The latest version of exim config from hestia disable antivirus directly, why?