Error after upgrading hestia

I executed this command
apt --only-upgrade install hestia hestia-nginx hestia-php

All php fpm services went down. Static sites work properly :frowning:

I have executed:
dpkg-reconfigure hestia

to fix it, but php*fpm services fail with the next error

Error: ERROR: Restart of php5.6-fpm failed.
Error: ERROR: Restart of php7.0-fpm failed.
Error: ERROR: Restart of php7.1-fpm failed.
Error: ERROR: Restart of php7.2-fpm failed.
Error: ERROR: Restart of php7.3-fpm failed.
Error: ERROR: Restart of php7.4-fpm failed.
Error: ERROR: Restart of php8.0-fpm failed.
Error: ERROR: Restart of php8.1-fpm failed.
Error: ERROR: Restart of php8.3-fpm failed.

If I get the status of any of the fpm service
systemctl status php8.1-fpm.service
and I get
ALERT: [pool www] the process manager is missing (static, dynamic or ondemand)

The same error appears on all php*fpm services.

Any clue on how to recover the process manager for the pool?

I have found the source of this error.

When I execute
dpkg-reconfigure hestia
default files dummy.conf or www.conf are created under /etc/php/X.X/fpm/pool.d directory

After removing the wrong files, I can restart phpx.x-fpm services again.

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Thank you for the solution. The latest Hestia 1.9.1 update created this bug.

You need to have at least 1 file in every pool ( the reason for dummy.conf) or else php will not start.