Error imagejpeg?

In the log it shows me the following errors

PHP Warning: imagejpeg(): gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: Output file write error --- out of disk space?

I have enough space. Which may be due?


Is the dir writeable?

You anticipated me, I was going to say that I had to have changed the permissions.

Te me adelantaste, iba a poner que tenia que haber cambiado los permisos.

It is not an an Hestia issue but probably an issue on you side.

Please keep in mind:

Hestia isn’t an tool that fixes all sys admin issues but an tool that takes away the boring takes being an sysadmin and speed up the work for manual config site configs / email…

Nor was it intended, just an aid to a specific problem and apparently easy to solve.

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