ERROR: Please disable the open_basedir setting to continue


install script show this erro: ERROR: Please disable the open_basedir setting to continue.

Please how disable open_basedir, step by step?

Thanks you.

Probaly better to tell the devs of the related software to not throw out this error message… Search for openbasedir, you’ll find some threads already handling that request - you’ll need to create a custom template.

I did /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d/…conf

included line ; fixed :smile:
;php_admin_value[open_basedir] =


Please read:

Before you cry that we have reset your config files after update


How to create a custom template? please step by step.

Thanks you.

can show me tutorial how to proceed…

Thanks you.

No need to double post, docs are here: Web domains and SSL Certicates — Hestia Control Panel documentation

Docs are to expert, im not expert.

Look solution to vestacp, topic point, solution, can you explain it to me like that, please.
Thnak you.

Please check Please read this, before you start! then…

Are you sure possible to unset PHP setting via .user.ini ?
Overwriting with additional path also not works, after number of testing separate tpl for PHP-FPM


  1. Duplicate certain PHP version *.tpl file at path /usr/local/hestia/data/templates/web/php-fpm, use - as delimeter, e.g. PHP-5_6-basedir-none.tpl
  2. Edit duplicate file to comment: ;php_admin_value[open_basedir] =
  3. Go to HestiaCP and choose new tpl at Backend Template PHP-FPM

You cant overwrite openbasedir with a custom user.ini file, it would not make sense to be able to disable security settings over a user file… Custom template is the way to go.

PS: Please do not revive 2 year old threads.