Error when doing restore

I login as a root
and upload vesta-backup.tar to the root folder

and i do this:
v-restore-user newuser vesta-backup.tar

I got this error:
Error: backup vesta-backup.tar doesn't exist

Hi @964f4c495c,
You would have to place the backup file in /backup directory

Have a nice day!

I'm not a member of HestiaCP team and in no way associated with them ;)

there is no ‘backup’ folder created by hestiacp. Which backup folder do you mean?
I create new folder ‘/home/backup/’
Then I move the file to ‘/home/backup/’
Then I tried this command:
‘v-restore-user newuser /home/backup/vesta-backup.tar’

I got this error:
Error: invalid backup format :: /home/backup/vesta-backup.tar

Hi @964f4c495c,
Hestia creates backup folder in your system’s root directory (/backup) not in the user root directory (/root). Please place the file in /backup.
PS: You can navigate to backup folder by typing /backup in your address bar or by using this command if you are using SSH: cd /backup

I'm not a member of HestiaCP team and in no way associated with them ;)
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Hi, There is no /backup folder created by hestiacp

root@vultr:~# ls …
bin home lib64 opt sbin tmp vmlinuz.old
boot initrd.img lost+found proc snap usr
dev initrd.img.old media root srv var
etc lib mnt run sys vmlinuz

I created ‘/backup’ in system’s root dir. I still get the same error “invalid backup format”

It worked. I need to ‘cd’ to the file location