Error while importing mails in Roundcube


I wanted to migrate mails from gmail to one of the accounts hosted on hestia.

Using Roundcube, the first issue I encountered was that it showed me that the maximum file size that I could upload was 100 MB. I changed this by modifying the PHP .ini settings from the Hestia panel itself. I made it 1024MB.

Now when I’m uploading the backed up MBOX mail file, I am getting “Server Error (error)” popup.

See screenshot for reference.

The size of my mbox file is somewhere around 650mb.

Hi @surya

If you get an error you should check the logs to know what’s going on:


If you increased upload_max_filesize you must also increase post_max_size to the same or better to higher size than upload_max_size.

Also, maybe you would need to raise these directives


Anyway, you can use imapsync to do the export/import.

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No Log Found in /var/log/roundcube/errors.log

But I found a log in

2024/11/08 18:00:26 [error] 2918538#2918538: *400443 client intended to send too large body: 691581410 bytes, client:, server:, request: “POST /?_task=mail&_remote=1&_from=&_id=&_uploadid=upload1731069026469&_unlock=loading1731069026468&_action=import HTTP/2.0”, host: “”, referrer: “Free classifieds -

Please refer to the above log.

Also refer to my PHP configurations →

The error is from Nginx, you should edit /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and increase client_max_body_size directive. Once done, restart Nginx.

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Easiest method is to use Imap sync


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