Exim4 paniclog ClamAV returned:File path check failure: Permission denied. ERROR

Hello, friends!
Went to deal with a message in the mail
“paniclog non zero size”
It turns out there is an error message about the ClamAV antivirus,
The log message says that permissions are denied to the path check.

malware acl condition: clamd /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl : ClamAV returned: /var/spool/exim4/scan/1o44T6-0001vp-Eb/1o44T6-0001vp-Eb.eml: File path check failure: Permission denied. ERROR

I went to see what was there along the way.
It turns out that these messages are missing there,


which ClamAV wants to check

Friends, please share who has the subtleties of knowledge on this data

Best wishes


Configure ClamAV


if [ “$clamd” = ‘yes’ ]; then
gpasswd -a clamav mail > /dev/null 2>&1
gpasswd -a clamav Debian-exim > /dev/null 2>&1
cp -f $HESTIA_INSTALL_DIR/clamav/clamd.conf /etc/clamav/
update-rc.d clamav-daemon defaults
echo -ne "[ * ] Installing ClamAV anti-virus definitions… "
/usr/bin/freshclam >> $LOG &
while kill -0 $BACK_PID > /dev/null 2>&1; do
printf “\b${spinner:spin_i++%${#spinner}:1}”
sleep 0.5
systemctl start clamav-daemon >> $LOG
check_result $? “clamav-daemon start failed”

Hi @kda7889,

Please, there is no need to reopen posts from 2 years ago, it is the second time you do this today :wink:

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