Fail install panel

Hello, I again needed to reinstall the entire OS, and I started from scratch using the panel installation script from the site “Install | Hestia Control Panel” example code: bash --port 8083 - - host name --email [email protected] --password **** --apache no --vsftpd no --proftpd yes --clamav no --interactive no.
at this moment the machine freezes and does not move further, I waited 30 minutes, but there was no effect, the OS version where I installed “ubuntu-22.04.4-live-server-amd64”, I installed without any updates and the update command, tell me where to dig? (I can’t install the best panel in the world(

Did you try with --force at the end of your installation string?

force will probaly not help.

Install the server, then update it first (apt update && apt dist-upgrade), reboot and run the command. Also the log doesnt show much.

I tried it, most likely this is due to the fact that phpmyadmin requires apache2, which I do not install…

ok, I’ll try, but most likely phpmyadmin won’t work without apache2

will work without apache2.

so where can I get the logs and understand why the installer stops at this point?
UPD:I deployed Hyper-v, and I’m running machines like ubuntu servers on it, this is the first time I’ve encountered such an error, previously there was a panel on a full server without Hyper-V bundle
UPDv2: and i get again freezing this step “Installing phpMyAdmin version v5.2.1…”

omg, i check the systetcl status of mysql and get this inform wtf :slight_smile: how

nice he unfreezed and give me this info:

[ * ] Configuring MariaDB database server…
[ * ] Installing phpMyAdmin version v5.2.1…
tar (child): phpMyAdmin-5.2.1-all-languages.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
cp: cannot stat ‘phpMyAdmin-5.2.1-all-languages/*’: No such file or directory
sed: can’t read /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/vendor_config.php: No such file or directory
[ * ] Configuring PostgreSQL database server…
[ * ] Configuring Bind DNS server…
[ * ] Configuring Exim mail server…
[ * ] Configuring Dovecot POP/IMAP mail server…
[ * ] Installing ClamAV anti-virus definitions…
[ * ] Configuring SpamAssassin…
[ * ] Configuring fail2ban access monitor…
[ * ] Installing Roundcube…
[ * ] Configuring File Manager…
[ * ] Configuring PHP dependencies…
[ * ] Installing Rclone…
[ * ] Configuring System IP…
[ * ] Installing remaining software updates…
[ * ] Updating configuration files…
[ ! ] Adding missing variable to hestia.conf: ENFORCE_SUBDOMAIN_OWNERSHIP (‘yes’)

For some reason seems the install script couldn’t download phpmyadmin, try if you can to download it manually:

cd /tmp/
wget -T 20 --retry-connrefused

nothing changes

I said to use wget to check whether you could download the file, but it won’t solve the issue. As far as I saw, you got and error trying to download phpmyadmin using wget…

I successfully downloaded this file via wget, but not the first time
“Unable to establish SSL connection.”