Fossbilling Integration

Hello, I have been trying to integrate FOSSBilling with HestiaCP

So far, I have been able to install FOSSBilling and have it running.

Now I want to connect to the different servers.

I can enable the API here: v-change-sys-api enable api
I can whitelist the FOSSBilling server here: v-add-sys-api-ip
I can generate an API key with this command: v-generate-api-key

But I can’t fill the form because i don’t understand what are the two api fields about and how to generate.

Besides, I have read about “billing” api permissions but I can’t find where…

Any pointers here?

Hi @jlguerrero,

Use v-add-access-key instead, this is the recommended way to generate api keys and the one that will give you the Access Key ID and the Secret Access Key ;).

Example adding billing “role” to admin user:

v-add-access-key admin 'billing' 'Fosbilling'
ACCESS_KEY_ID:      wllzBdtccb4a5mriylMB
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY:  aFrZqJCeyrfQLc-oIRl5W334Yb-T-wJEmrMnohiI
USER:               admin
PERMISSIONS:        billing
COMMENT:            Fosbilling
TIME:               01:48:50
DATE:               2024-04-01

Note: to view the current api “roles” use v-list-apis command. You can create your own api “role” here /usr/local/hestia/data/api/ and add the commands that could be used by the user using that api “role”.

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You probably want to set Use Secure Connection to to protect credentials and other private information.

You need to use the new “api” key under admin user → access key

Old “v-generate-api-key” won’t work …


Also see:


Hi @eris ,
You are right it is the easiest and fastest way to integrate.

@jlguerrero ,
I also have a server running very well +6 months now with Foosbilling and the method I selected the option in Admin and it worked instantly like referenced.

Very important note: you must ensure that the user and group privileges are set as per the recommendations else it will become a nightmare to troubleshoot.

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