First, next time copy and paste the text, it is really hard to read the commands using a screenshot (and this is even worst… a mobile screenshot)
Seems you are not using the right call to Hestia’s API.
If you want to take a look: How to create credentials in Hestia Control Panel to access API
Example using New API and access key/secret key:
curl -sS -k -X POST --connect-timeout 15 -m 300 -d '{"access_key":"YourAccessKey","secret_key":"YourSecretKey","returncode":"no","cmd":"v-add-user","arg1":"bradjames","arg2":"Qwasa1234","arg3":"[email protected]","arg4":"Freehosting","arg5":"Brad James"}'
Example using Legacy API and admin user/password:
curl -sS -k -X POST --connect-timeout 15 -m 300 -d '{"user":"admin","password":"AdminPassword","returncode":"no","cmd":"v-add-user","arg1":"bradjames","arg2":"Qwasa1234","arg3":"[email protected]","arg4":"Freehosting","arg5":"Brad James"}'
Example using Legacy API and hash:
curl -sS -k -X POST --connect-timeout 15 -m 300 -d '{"hash":"YourHashKey","returncode":"no","cmd":"v-add-user","arg1":"bradjames","arg2":"Qwasa1234","arg3":"[email protected]","arg4":"Freehosting","arg5":"Brad James"}'