Geo-blocking Russia

I apologize in advance for my English, I am using a translator.
I have been using Hestiacp for over 3 years. Of all the analogues, your panel turned out to be the best for me.
But due to geo-blocking of php repositories in Russia, Hestiacp is no longer installed correctly.
A month ago, my main server with auto-updates enabled (big mistake) stopped supporting php. I had backups and decided to reinstall the entire server. During installation - errors 451. Now I have to use another control panel. But I would really like to return to Hestia.
To my surprise, other panels work, the problem only affected Hestia.
I would like to ask you to suggest a way to install Hestiacp now.
And it is possible to add a solution to this problem in the next updates.
Thank you.


I assume you are using Debian?

Try using Ubuntu instead that should be still working


Yes, I used Debian. Now I installed on Ubuntu.
The installation went without errors, now Iā€™ll send some domain for testing.
I feel like a fool. I tried this 2-3 weeks ago and it didnā€™t work.
Iā€™ll check and report back.

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Unfortunately it doesnā€™t work.
All php files on sites are ā€œFile not foundā€.
All the logs that I found are absolutely empty.
Only in the siteā€™s error logs is the repeated ā€œAH01071: Got error ā€˜Primary script unknownā€™ā€
I can give you access to VPS for tests.

Please send me a DMā€¦

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Try it on Beget, there is no blocking even on Debian

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As far as I understand, my problem is related to Cyrillic/IDN domains. Thanks for the information about Beget, Iā€™ll try them a little later.

No, the Cyrillic alphabet has nothing to do with it, Timeweb doesnā€™t have a solution right now, and PHP wonā€™t be able to be installed in any way, even using Poland or other locations, so far from what Iā€™ve found and use Beget.

I already use VPS in the Netherlands, the problem with php is solved for me there. But my projects are on IDN domains. And they donā€™t work under Hestia. This turned out to be a double problem. Latin domains work fully.
I hope that they can help me with the current problem and, as an option, connect mirrors when installing Hestia. So that we can use it on any vps.

usualy idn domains should work fine. We currently do not have any plans to implement any other mirrors than sury.

I discussed this issue with Eris. We took 2 identical Ubuntu 22.04, installed Hestia and VPS with a Latin domain worked. Cyrillic no. Our correspondence contains all the connection details, they are up to date.

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