Hestia 1.9.1 failed because the control process exited with an error code

I’m trying to install the new version of hestia on ubuntu 22.04 oracle.

I created a new instance and ran apt update and apt ugrade.

During the installation I got this message:

[ * ] Configuring the Apache Web Server...
[ * ] Installing PHP 8.3...
[ * ] Configuring PHP-FPM 8.3...
The job for php8.3-fpm.service failed because the control process exited with an error code .
See “systemctl status php8.3-fpm.service” and “journalctl -xeu php8.3-fpm.service” for details.
Error: php-fpm failed to start

The installation log shows this error:

Processing triggers for php8.3-cli (8.3.16-1+ubuntu22.04.1+deb.sury.org+1) ...
Processing triggers for dovecot-core (1:2.3.16+dfsg1-3ubuntu2.4) ... 
invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of restart. 
Processing triggers for php8.3-fpm (8.3.16-1+ubuntu22.04.1+deb.sury.org+1) ... 
invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied executing restart.
WARNING: You are not enabling PHP 8.3 FPM by default.
NOTICE: To enable PHP 8.3 FPM on Apache2, do the following:
NOTICE: a2enmod proxy_fcgi setenvif NOTICE: a2enconf php8.3-fpm NOTICE: 
You are seeing this message because you have the apache2 package installed.

Best thing it to build 1 from soure

Only replace:
./hst_autocompile.sh --all --noinstall --keepbuild ‘~localsrc’

./hst_autocompile.sh --hestia --noinstall --keepbuild ‘~localsrc’

It will save you 30 min waiting :slight_smile:

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I will try this.

Thank you.

It worked perfectly here after building the installation packages.

Now during the installation it appears:

[ * ] Installing local package files...
    - hestia core package
    - hestia-php backend package (from apt)
    - hestia-nginx backend package (from apt)

I had to edit hst_autocompile.sh because it didn’t recognize the version of NODE.js installed in the latest version, as Building stopped.

I commented out the lines below and it worked:

#echo “Installing Node.js...”                                                                                            
#apt-get -qq update > /dev/null 2>&1                                                                                    
#apt -qq install -y nodejs > /dev/null 2>&1 
nodejs_version=$(/usr/bin/node -v | cut -f1 -d'.' | sed 's/v//g')
#if [ “$nodejs_version” -lt 18 ]; then
# echo “Requires Node.js 18.x or higher”
# exit 1

After building I installed using:

./hst_autocompile.sh --hestia --noinstall --keepbuild ‘~localsrc’

We have released 1.9.2 :slight_smile:
Should work without all those steps

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Very good !!!

For the installation to work, I had to delete some hestia installation folders, my domain user and also the hestia users.