Hello everyone,
I’ve been using Hestia CP for a while, and I think I know the panel quite well, especially the documentation, but I’m having difficulty activating demo mode.
I was following this documentation CLI Reference | Hestia Control Panel
unfortunately without success. I haven’t found any other documentation on the matter.
Can someone please help me and describe the exact steps to activate the demo mode?
Thanks so much in advance for your help.
April 30, 2024, 12:42pm
v-change-sys-demo-mode yes
But suggest not using it unless you want to provide somebody a demo like we do…
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Thank you very much for the reply!
“yes” to activate and I suppose “no” to deactivate demo mode, correct?
I made a dedicated “demo” installation for some of my customers. So yes, I only need it for demo mode.
April 30, 2024, 1:00pm
v-change-sys-demo-mode no doesn’t work due to the demo check use:
sed -i "s|^DEMO_MODE=.*'|DEMO_MODE='no'|g" $HESTIA/conf/hestia.conf
We use the follow hooks in /etc/hestiacp/hooks to “prepare” the demo server after each update
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Perfect! Everything works. Thank you very much.
The last question: why aren’t the access data automatically filled in? I mean user and automatic password generation?
Is it possible to activate the function as on the Hestia website? The password is automatically filled in.
April 30, 2024, 1:21pm
In post_install.sh we have:
# Update templates to enable default username
sed -i "s|autofocus|autofocus value=\"admin\"|g" $HESTIA/web/templates/pages/login/login.php
# Update templates to enable default password
sed -i "s|autofocus|autofocus value=\"StrongSecurePassword\"|g" $HESTIA/web/templates/pages/login/login_1.php
That should do the trick…
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I do not know how to thank you…
You helped me a lot. Thanks again!
May 30, 2024, 1:33pm
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