Hestia file manager missing Unzip and Rename buttons

Using Hestia Beta 1.4 on a Debian 10 VPS via Hetzner. Whether I log in as admin or a user I created, when I open the file manager and select a file, my only options are Download, Copy, Move, Zip and Delete. The Rename and Unzip buttons are missing.

I had a similar problem on the previous version of Hestia and I was hoping to solve it by updating to 1.4 beta. But still the same problem.

Any ideas as to why this is the case?

In case it matters, cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config shows
PermitRootLogin yes
PasswordAuthentication yes

Then it appears Hestia added the following to the bottom of the file:

Hestia SFTP Chroot

Match User sftp_dummy99,admin,dspring
ChrootDirectory %h
X11Forwarding no
AllowTCPForwarding no
ForceCommand internal-sftp

I did try to work around this problem by trying to unzip a file via an SSH session, but Hestia blocked the unzip program. So I really need the unzip button to show up in the file manager.

Using Hestia Beta 1.4 on a Debian 10 VPS via Hetzner. Whether I log in as admin or a user I created, when I open the file manager and select a file, my only options are Download, Copy, Move, Zip and Delete. The Rename and Unzip buttons are missing.

Hestia allows by default only connecting over SFTP protocol

If you need SSH access go to Edit user

Change SSH access to bash

Thanks for the explanation. I did as you suggested. I logged into Hestia as admin and clicked on Users and changed the admin user SSH access from nologin to bash. I also edited the new user SSH access from no login to to bash.

I then opened the Hestia File Manager (Files) and went to a zipped folder and selected it. Sadly, unzip still did not show. I tried as both admin and user and no luck either way.

I am wondering what you mean by the sentence:
Hestia allows by default only connecting over SFTP protocol.

I went online to research the issue and read several articles. They indicated that I needed to install an SFTP client on my home computer. So I installed Midnight Commander and used that to start an SFTP session. This session was running when I tried to view the Hestia File Manager and it was connected to Hestia as I was able to see the files in the Hestia File Manager.

So I guess there is something else I need to do to connect to Hestia over SFTP. Any additional suggestions or words of advice would be greatly appreciated.

There is a button on the user edit screen for each user called Manage SSH Keys.
Do I need to set up SSH keys for each user? Or can I just use a password (which is what I have been doing to start an SFTP session)?

There is a button on the user edit screen for each user called Manage SSH Keys.
Do I need to set up SSH keys for each user? Or can I just use a password (which is what I have been doing to start an SFTP session)?

You can also use the user account password. But I am usefully to lazy to remember these… So I usually use the keys as 1 key is enough to login an certain account…

Unpacking a zip folder is here no issue

I tried to do what I thought you wanted. I created a key pair. I then
copied the public key to the Hetzner server. It worked. I was
then able to log into my Hetzner
server without a password. I then logged into Hestia and added the
public key to the admin user and the second user I created. I then
logged back out and restarted the server. I then logged back in and
went to the file manager (as admin and as a user). In both cases, the
unzip file button still failed to appear.

Perhaps I simply do not understand what you
mean by the sentence

“I usually
use the keys as 1 key is enough to login an certain account…”

How does one use an ssh public key or
private key to log into Hestia?

I should add that I was logged into the server via MC using an SFTP session. But I do not know how to log directly into Hestia using an SFTP session. Is there a special sftp link I should use?

SSH keys are not for the file manager! They are only for the terminal / sftp clients for your own. The file manager uses there own set of keys that are only useable when you attempt to connect over localhost.

What does “Unzip” button does not appear mean. I tried editing the permissions of the zip and the button always appear…

Please provide screenshots.

Thank you for your patience. I have figured out what I was doing wrong. I was checking the box to the left of the file to select the file before I right clicked on it. When the box is checked, the popup with all of the options fails to appear. But if I click on the file and do not check the box, and then right click, the popup appears with the option to unzip.

After several minutes, I got the unknown error. I will therefore be reviewing the unknown error forum comments to figure out what I did wrong. I will then post the solution here once I get it figured out.
Thanks again for your help!