Hestia install fails

Hi Team, the auto update broke the sites. I tried to install Hestia freshly but it is failing to install becauseof php-fpm error. I tried to force install then also no help.
Can you help
This is the error message

mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/pradeep/.wp-cli’: File exists
[ * ] Configuring NGINX…
[ * ] Updating Cloudflare IP Ranges for Nginx…
[ * ] Configuring Apache Web Server…
[ * ] Installing PHP 5.6…
[ * ] Installing PHP 7.0…
[ * ] Installing PHP 7.1…
[ * ] Installing PHP 7.2…
[ * ] Installing PHP 7.3…
[ * ] Installing PHP 7.4…
[ * ] Installing PHP 8.0…
[ * ] Installing PHP 8.1…
[ * ] Installing PHP 8.2…
[ * ] Installing PHP 8.3…
[ * ] Installing PHP 8.4…
[ * ] Configuring PHP-FPM 8.3…
Job for php8.3-fpm.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See “systemctl status php8.3-fpm.service” and “journalctl -xeu php8.3-fpm.service” for details.
Error: php-fpm start failed

Take a look to this post:

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Hi @sahsanu, Thanks for the reply. How to do that during the fresh install?

For a fresh install you should wait till a new fix release is deployed.

For an existing install:

find /etc/php/ /usr/local/hestia/install/deb/php-fpm -type f -name 'www.conf' -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} sed -i 's/\[wwww\]/\[www\]/' {}

Okay. Thanks @sahsanu

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