Hestia minimal size

I tried vesta and now I am trying hestia.
What surprised me is the amount of space needed for the basic installation as Reverse proxy. The panel with only nginx is almost 700MB, a lot. Is something wrong or this is just the minimum size?

The basic installation, includes a lot of packages like apache, nginx, dovecot, exim4, fail2ban, vsftpd, mysql/mariadb and maybe others that I’m forgetting right now. If you want a truly minimal installation, don’t install the default packages and instead install only the ones you really need.

Hi Felix,
thanks for answer.
I installed the panel with ONLY nginx and this installation took almost 700MB .

bash hst-install.sh --nginx yes --phpfpm no --apache no --named no --vsftpd no --proftpd no --iptables no --fail2ban yes --quota no --exim no --dovecot no --spamassassin no --clamav no --mysql no --postgresql no

hestia itself brings about 250M+ data to your disk as it will install it’s very own nginx+php for the panel. on top you’ll obviously need quite some packages for the system as a basis that other service might have as a dependency.

so yes, you might end up with using 700M of disk space after install. you could try to clean up the apt cache, so you get rid of the downloaded packages after installation.

if you just need nginx as a proxy it’s for sure much less, if you don’t use a panel at all :wink:

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Yeah, I installed on a debian , where the os itself is about 800MB ,so to use 700MB only for managing a revers proxy doesn’t make sense (already done with clean up apt).
I still didn’t found a light gui for nginx and see most of panel bring errors in managing configuration, so at this point I will continue to manage this with template. I accept suggestions about light nginx panel if you have.
For application server panel I will continue to evaluate hestia , I am using imscp from years in existant server and it is very stable almost without bugs, so will try to make some real comparison.

Probably not exactly what you were thinking, but you could use this config tool to generate a config file, and then upload it to your nginx-only server (i.e. no control panel at all)

If you’re running a proxy, then the server will presumably be caching data, in which case you’ll probably need more than 700Mb to cache files anyway. Perhaps worrying about disk space isn’t particularly useful in this case … ?

Thanks. Saw this and using it, actually it is rather convenient.
My desire for a panel was to have a comfortable summary view and fast editing avoiding manual mistake.
The server will do only SSL termination and reverse proxy, nothing else.
My main idea is that I don’t need a cannon, heavy and slow, to kill a fly, and I try to avoid what is out of scope. Searched just for a right balance.

For only reverse proxy and SSL I would probably use caddy (https://caddyserver.com)

Thanks Lupu, good to know this extremely light and portable reverse proxy/web server/load balancer. I trust nginx a lot in production environment, what I was searching for was a light panel to manage it. As for now I’ve found tinycp (very tiny and dynamic) but it is rather young and no community at all.

Anyway, also if it out of scope, when I just make the untar it was like “wow. No dependence at all and everything in 11MB!”.
What would you drive you to use it better than nginx in production environment? Did you had opportunity to have a security and performance comparison? I liked a lot the portability it shows!

@m4rv1n there are also haproxy and lighttpd. the former is quite known, however I never really used it yet. I think it can handle ssl termination in quite some different ways, including passthrough. lighttpd lacks on that as far as I know, but it’s very small and easy to configure IMHO :wink:

@falzo I confirm HAproxy can handle ssl termination. For the certificate authorization process, HAproxy will pass the request to the backend webserver, it can be a light webserver installed on the same HAproxy server just to manage this request or the “true” backend.
However I am looking for a light control panel to display and manage nginx, from the same server or from a remote server. Nginx commercial is too way expensive. In a future I think to test again tinycp but at the moment is too much young and the community needs to growth.
For HAproxy there is a web interface called HAproxy-WI, it can manage also nginx and keepalived but doesn’t give you any “control panel style” so configurations will continue to be hand made at the end.

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