Hestia php V error

hello guys, i am trying to install an applications that uses a outdate php 7.4, so i went and install PHP V 7.4 on hestia cpanel, then i enable it that specific version to be used on the domain i need to work, i also did it on the user settings PHP V CLI, anyways no matter what i do, same error appears, showing that the version i am using is PHP 8.1, Any help plz. thanks

Your lock file does not contain a compatible set of packages. Please run composer update.

  Problem 1
    - aura/intl is locked to version 3.0.0 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - aura/intl 3.0.0 requires php ^5.6|^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 2
    - doctrine/collections is locked to version 1.6.4 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - doctrine/collections 1.6.4 requires php ^7.1.3 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 3
    - guzzlehttp/guzzle is locked to version 7.1.1 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - guzzlehttp/guzzle 7.1.1 requires php ^7.2.5 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 4
    - symfony/debug is locked to version v4.4.4 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - symfony/debug v4.4.4 requires php ^7.1.3 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 5
    - symfony/filesystem is locked to version v4.4.4 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - symfony/filesystem v4.4.4 requires php ^7.1.3 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 6
    - zendframework/zend-diactoros is locked to version 1.8.7 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - zendframework/zend-diactoros 1.8.7 requires php ^5.6 || ^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 7
    - doctrine/instantiator is locked to version 1.3.0 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - doctrine/instantiator 1.3.0 requires php ^7.1 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 8
    - myclabs/deep-copy is locked to version 1.9.5 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - myclabs/deep-copy 1.9.5 requires php ^7.1 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 9
    - phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock is locked to version 4.3.4 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock 4.3.4 requires php ^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 10
    - phpdocumentor/type-resolver is locked to version 1.0.1 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - phpdocumentor/type-resolver 1.0.1 requires php ^7.1 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 11
    - phpspec/prophecy is locked to version v1.10.2 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - phpspec/prophecy v1.10.2 requires php ^5.3|^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 12
    - phpunit/php-code-coverage is locked to version 4.0.8 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - phpunit/php-code-coverage 4.0.8 requires php ^5.6 || ^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 13
    - phpunit/php-timer is locked to version 1.0.9 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - phpunit/php-timer 1.0.9 requires php ^5.3.3 || ^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 14
    - phpunit/php-token-stream is locked to version 2.0.2 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - phpunit/php-token-stream 2.0.2 requires php ^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 15
    - phpunit/phpunit is locked to version 5.7.27 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - phpunit/phpunit 5.7.27 requires php ^5.6 || ^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 16
    - phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects is locked to version 3.4.4 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects 3.4.4 requires php ^5.6 || ^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 17
    - sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup is locked to version 1.0.1 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup 1.0.1 requires php ^5.6 || ^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 18
    - sebastian/diff is locked to version 1.4.3 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - sebastian/diff 1.4.3 requires php ^5.3.3 || ^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 19
    - sebastian/environment is locked to version 2.0.0 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - sebastian/environment 2.0.0 requires php ^5.6 || ^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 20
    - symfony/var-dumper is locked to version v4.4.4 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - symfony/var-dumper v4.4.4 requires php ^7.1.3 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 21
    - webmozart/assert is locked to version 1.6.0 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - webmozart/assert 1.6.0 requires php ^5.3.3 || ^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
  Problem 22
    - aura/intl 3.0.0 requires php ^5.6|^7.0 -> your php version (8.1.20) does not satisfy that requirement.
    - cakephp/cakephp 3.8.9 requires aura/intl ^3.0.0 -> satisfiable by aura/intl[3.0.0].
    - cakephp/cakephp is locked to version 3.8.9 and an update of this package was not requested.


Change in the user settings php cli to 7.4 or use full paths /usr/bin/php7.4 composer install

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HI @eris,
I have changed in the user setting CLI as you can see in the screenshot, i also run the php V and it shows the right one 7.4, however when i run the command to install composer it just trying to pick the 8.1.
i need to run the composer install on a web directory. I have tried to run the command using the full paths but doesnt work. see screenshot.


Try this.

I will assume your Hestia user is utest and your domain is example.com (so replace them with your actual data):

Switch to root and install composer for user utest:

sudo su -
v-add-user-composer utest

Execute composer with php7.4 as user utest on directory zuluru:

sudo -u utest /usr/bin/php7.4 /home/utest/.composer/composer install -d /home/utest/web/example.com/public_html/zuluru/

hi, i get this error.

Show the output of this command, composer should be owned by your user.

namei -mo /home/MIke/.composer/composer

It is
v-add-user-composer utest

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Thank you, I mistyped it :frowning:

As @eris said, I mistyped the command to add composer, use this:

sudo su -
v-add-user-composer utest
sudo -u utest /usr/bin/php7.4 /home/utest/.composer/composer install -d /home/utest/web/exa
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