Hi everyone. I recently bought a VDS server from Microsoft Azure with a student account. Standard B2ats v2 (2 vcpu, 1 GiB ram) and Ubuntu 22.04 I did the installation. Then I installed the Hestia panel. I set up everything. FTP server etc. But I couldn’t set up the webmail. I think it wants me to add a DNS zone.But I have no idea where to go and what to do. The domain given by VDS is xxxx.germanywestcentral.cloudapp.azure.com I am using the address. What should I do to use my webmail?
You are not able to Create DNS records . So you will not be able use it for mail anyway
get a real domain…
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So, is there anything I need to do after purchasing a real domain and adding my nameservers?
You can use Cloudfare or the registars DNS service it is the easiest method