HestiaCP First login

Hi There,

I receive the following error after installing HestiaCP and wanting to log into the panel

Unable to load required libraries. Please run v-add-sys-dependencies in command line. Error: Failed opening required ‘vendor/autoload.php’ (include_path=‘.:’)

I have tried running v-add-sys-dependencies

Currently that is not doing anything for me?

Sorry I am fairly new to Hestia

What happens when your run


If I run that command nothing happens, unless it takes a while?

Usually no “message” is was success full you still see the error message when you open the web ui?

Received an error now after it running for a bit
curl: (28) Failed to connect to composer.github.io port 443 after 278676 ms: Connection timed out
Error: Download signature

Found the issue, composer.hgithub.io IP was blocked on VPS - unblocked working fine now

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