Hmm. We're having trouble finding that site

Page Not Found

Oops! We couldn’t find the page that you’re looking for.

Please check the address and try again.

Error Code: 404

we cant help you without more informations…

I can’t access any of the users’ webmail

this isnt an information. check your logs, provide more infromations.

I updated the system to Debian 12 and now it gives that error, before it was with MySQL, that has already been solved.

What log should I show you, where can I find it or how?

Forgive my ignorance,
What Records?
How do I find them?

I finally found how to view the logs

2025/02/07 07:05:20 [error] 781519#781519: *5375 directory index of “/var/www/document_errors/” is forbidden, client: 185.180.1>

2025/02/07 07:20:31 [error] 781519#781519: *5451 directory index of “/var/www/document_errors/” is forbidden, client: 101.198.0>

2025/02/07 07:21:05 [error] 781519#781519: *5454 directory index of “/var/www/document_errors/” is forbidden, client: 65.49.20.>

2025/02/07 07:22:16 [error] 781519#781519: *5468 directory index of “/var/www/document_errors/” is forbidden, client: 101.198.0>

2025/02/07 07:30:05 [warn] 934301#934301: conflicting server name “” on, ignored

2025/02/07 07:30:16 [error] 934318#934318: *5536 directory index of “/var/www/document_errors/” is forbidden, client: 186.78.20>

2025/02/07 07:30:29 [error] 934318#934318: *5536 directory index of “/var/www/document_errors/” is forbidden, client: 186.78.20>

2025/02/07 07:31:03 [error] 934318#934318: *5538 directory index of “/var/www/document_errors/” is forbidden, client: 65.49.20.>

2025/02/07 07:31:08 [error] 934318#934318: *5540 directory index of “/var/www/document_errors/” is forbidden, client: 186.78.20>

2025/02/07 07:39:03 [error] 934318#934318: *5549 directory index of “/var/www/document_errors/” is forbidden, client: 186.78.20>

2025/02/07 07:58:11 [error] 934318#934318: *5579 directory index of “/var/www/document_errors/” is forbidden, client: 186.78.20>

2025/02/07 07:58:12 [error] 934318#934318: *5579 directory index of “/var/www/document_errors/” is forbidden, client: 186.78.20>

2025/02/07 08:04:16 [error] 934318#934318: *5597 directory index of “/var/www/document_errors/” is forbidden, client: 143.110.1>