How can I enabled proc_open

Am getting these ERROR: Please enable proc_open php function setting to continue. How can I solve it?.

From Hestia Web UI:

Settings -> Configure -> Web Server -> Backend Server: php-fp (Click on pencil) -> Advanced Options -> Here you should search for disable_functions directive and remove proc_open from the list. -> Save

Note: this will modify all the php.ini files, cli and fpm and for all your PHP versions.

Or you can change it using this command:

Example for PHP 8.2 and both (fpm and cli):

sed -i -E 's/(^disable_functions.*),proc_open(.*$)/\1\2/' /etc/php/8.2/{cli,fpm}/php.ini

thanks its working

how can i allow permissions to the certain files cause my website its not loading properly the entire css its loading ok

You can use an ftp/sftp client like Filezilla, WinSCP or via ssh with a client like Putty, MobaXterm, etc. It will depend on what you have configured for your user in Hestia.

How can I allow Forder permission with the value 775 or 777

As I said, using your ftp/sftp/ssh client.

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